All 2024 Concerts [cross your fingers] 
Dates and locations subject to change. Watch this space.
Should it be rainy weather (but not severe storms forecast), our rain location is the TBA. Go to the Facebook page for last minute weather changes
2024 Season schedule
May 27: 11am Memorial Day ceremonies
June 4: concert 8 pm
June 11: concert 8 pm
June 18: concert 8 pm
June 25: concert 8 pm
July 2: concert 8 pm
July 4: 10 am parade
Potential extra performance
July 9: concert 8 pm
All performances this year occur at Hutchinson Community College at the new Pavilion. It is located in the former space occupied by the tennis courts to the East of Lockman Hall between Gowans Stadium (on the south) and Shears Technology Center (on the north)